Føroyakanningin ger greitt, um tú ert berari av eini ella fleiri av teim kendu sjúkuelvandi ílegubroytingunum, sum serstakliga javnan koma fyri í og hjá føroyingum

Arvafrøðiligar kanningar kunnu greiða, um vit bera broytingar í okkara arvamassa. Sjúkuelvandi broytingarnar í arvamassanum er tað, vit kalla ílegu-úrbregði. Tað eru júst kanningar fyri 14 vanlig føroysk ílegu-úrbregði/sjúkur, vit í Amplexa Genetics nú bjóða einstaklingum

Ergrundað á broytingar í CFTR-íleguni. Cystisk Fibrosa (CF1) vísir seg óvanligaofta í Føroyum (hægsti berara-títtleiki í verðini). Tað er bert einiíleguvarianturin, ið sæst so ofta.
Amplexa is Børsen Gazelle Regional Winner for Southern Denmark 2022!
It’s now official, and we’re bursting with pride: Amplexa is Børsen Gazelle Regional Winner for Southern Denmark 2022! We received the fantastic news on Thursday at the Regional Award Ceremony at Odense Odeon. We were dressed up in our best attire and had a blast of an evening, celebrating our new status with bubbles and tapas and selfies on the red carpet Read more...
Today, March 26th, is Purple Day, a day dedicated to raising epilepsy awareness worldwide. But at Amplexa, every day that we offer the best diagnosis in epilepsy is Purple Day. Epilepsy is among the most common chronic neurological diseases, with a prevalence of around 1% in the general population. Read more...
Today, on Rare Disease Day, we get together to raise awareness of the challenges involved in living with a rare disease. At Amplexa we are passionate about raising community awareness through preventive actions. We make this possible with our gene panels: Genes2Life and Genes4Life. Read more...