Uncover the biological complexity of your sample, one cell at a time.


A sample is not merely a homogenic mixture of cells - uncover the biological complexity of your sample, one cell at a time.

Single cell techniques are methods for analyzing the expression profile at a single cell resolution rather than mixing all cell types as in bulk assays.

  • Identify specific cell types or subpopulations within the sample
  • Integrate transcriptional data from multiple experiments
  • Integrate epigenomic and transcriptional data from the same cell
  • Allow flexible solutions for different set-ups for both small- and large-scale projects

Available single cell techniques

Single Cell Transcriptome Profiling: A 3' gene expression analysis with multiomic capabilities to profile tens of thousands of cells and explore, for instance the cellular heterogeneity, cell fates, biomarkers etc.

Single Cell Immune Profiling: A multiomic solution to analyze full-length, paired B-cell or T-cell receptors, surface protein expression, and antigen specificity, in combination with gene expression analysis, all from a single cell.

Single Cell ATAC sequencing: A multiomic solution to uncover gene regulatory mechanisms by simultaneous analysis of the gene expression profile and the chromatin accessibility in the same cell.

Targeted Gene expression analysis: Profiling of a defined set of transcripts from single cells to reduce costs while increasing the number of samples, or increasing the sequencing depth with customizable, comprehensive gene panels.

We also offer bioinformatic analysis.


Our single cell technologies can be applied to many different areas within research, and we are always open to discuss how they could be relevant for your project. We are currently applying single cell technologies to the following research areas:

  • iPSC maturation
  • Developmental biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Microbiology